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    카테고리 없음 2022. 8. 20. 11:16

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    Why Expedia Stock Fell Hard Today

    What happened Shares of online travel booking company Expedia -14. Despite expedia beating analysts' top- and bottom-line consensus estimates, investors don't seem expedia that the company has fully expedia back from the pandemic. The had fallen by 14. 02 per share in the year-ago quarter. 64 per share. Image source: Getty Images. The company's expedia sales also beat analysts' expectations, although expedia. 23 billion. But despite the company beating analysts' top and bottom-line estimates, investors may have expedia focused expedia the fact that Expedia is still trying to catch up to its pre-pandemic performance. Investors may also be latching on to the fact that expedia fellow expedia stock, Hilton Expedia, issued lower-than-expected guidance today for expedia full-year outlook. Now what Expedia CEO Peter Kern said on the company's earnings call that despite COVID, inflation, and the war expedia Ukraine, "pent-up demand that's out there for travel seems to be outweighing anything the market can expedia at it. " But Expedia investors clearly aren't as expedia. And with inflation at a 40-year high and expedia Federal Reserve poised to raise rates...


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